想想也是,當壹個文 ...
夢醒之境 - AWAKEN:穿梭於心靈深處的恐怖冒險
夢醒之境 - AWAKEN:穿梭於心靈深處的恐怖冒險在電子遊戲的世界中,探索夢與現實的界限往往帶來無與倫比的體驗。《夢醒之境 - AWAKEN》正是這樣一款遊戲,它帶領玩家深入心理恐怖的迷宮,體驗主角沃爾特·湯普森在搜尋失踪的家人過程中的心理挑戰。
作為一款以步行模擬為主的恐怖遊 ...
蘋果與Epic的應用商店之爭:《堡壘之夜》的iOS命運在科技巨頭的角力場中,蘋果與Epic Games的爭鋒相對再次升溫,這場關於應用商店收益分成的爭端,似乎遠遠沒有結束的跡象。
Epic Games 觸犯「蘋果稅」2020年,Epic為了規避被廣泛批評的「蘋果稅」——即所有在App Store上架的應用,用戶的消費都需分給蘋果30%的提成,他們為旗下熱門遊戲《堡壘之夜》引入了一個新的支付選項,允許玩家直接通過Epic的渠道購買遊戲幣。然而,這一舉措遭到了蘋果的強烈反擊,導致《堡壘之夜》從App Store被下架。
Epic隨後發表聲明,指責蘋果的行為「嚴重違反了《數字市場法案》」,顯示蘋果不願在iOS設備上容許正常的競爭。蘋果則回應稱,Epic不值得信任,不會 ...
I'm sad to see you go, but goodbye
Characters familiar to the post-80s are starting to disappear
The process of growing old is slowly saying goodbye to everything familiar.
Many of my friends remember Mr. Akira Toriyama by saying that when they were young, they followed the Dragon Ball serials and went to the bookstore every week to ask if the next volume was coming. I envy them for being the first to wander into the world of Dragon Ball as a child.
I’m not quite the same, may be in the northern 18 line small county, information ...
Sculpting 'The Last of Us' with Fungi, She Takes the Emmy Podium
Sculpting ‘The Last of Us’ with Fungi, She Takes the Emmy Podium
The Last Of Us” title was laid out on a carpet of fungi at the end of a shimmering piece of music.
Last year was the year that game adaptations broke the mold.
The Super Mario Bros. Movie and the U.S. series The Last Man Standing both set new benchmarks for game adaptations in both movies and TV episodes this year.
And not long before The Last Survivor opened, HBO released an early animated opening sequence for the show. Word of m ...
Prince of Persia:The Lost Crown makes neat use of mocap tech
Ubisoft’s Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown hits store shelves today, and it’s the first game bearing the Prince of Persia name since 2008. Its Montpelier-based branch took a new direction for the platforming adventure series, mixing the linear sidescrolling 2D structure of the original games with an explorable world like the kind seen in Nintendo’s recently-released Metroid Dread.
The new game also has a fresh, colorful aesthetic, far removed from the washed-out desert looks of the 2000s run. It ...
Square Enix wants to make fewer, better games
At a Glance
President Takashi Kiryu says Square Enix’s future lies in fewer, albeit better games that get proper time to shine.
Going forward, Square Enix will make fewer games, but to make sure they’re more diverse and well-regarded by players and critics.
“I want to structure our development function so that we are able to ensure higher quality from each title by slimming down our lineup,” explained president Takashi Kiryu.
In a late 2023 financial briefing recently clocked by Genki, he said ...
Lethal Company sold an estimated 10 million copies
At a Glance
Zeekerss’ co-op scavenging game has become extremely popular in the last three months, and may have the money to show for it.
2023’s breakout horror hit Lethal Company is believed to have sold 10 million copies since its Early Access release in mid-October.
Push to Talk estimated both its sales milestone and gross revenue of $113.9 million. The latter was determined with the Boxleiter method, which considers user reviews, pricing, and Valve’s cut among its factors.
With that same m ...
Rocksteady co-founders open new studio, Hundred Star Games
At a Glance
The Batman: Arkham veterans set up a new studio that’s aiming for the triple-A space with a smaller staff on hand.
Rocksteady Studios alums Jamie Walker and Sefton Hill have reportedly established a new studio. Per Polygon, it’s called Hundred Star Games and has already pulled in several Rocksteady staff.
Hill and Walker exited the DC Comics game developer last year. The pair founded the studio in 2004, and Hill would go to be a key creative on its Batman: Arkham trilogy.
Hundred S ...
Ninja Theory is giving Hellblade II a digital-only release
At a Glance
Ninja Theory is going strictly digital for Hellblade II so the game can be as the developers want it to be.
When Senua’s Saga: Hellblade II releases on May 21, it’ll be digital-only release.
Ninja Theory revealed its upcoming sequel will run $50 and won’t have a physical release. Other big Xbox exclusives like Starfield and Halo Infinite had physical editions, making this change notable.
By going digital-only, the developer says it could make the game it wanted, “reflecting the sho ...